Knowledge leads to better result
The coatings within ReduSystems are becoming more and more advanced. Advisors and users know about their properties and the changes being made to the growth strategy are leading to optimal results with higher crop returns. Mardenkro spends a lot of energy on the provision of information. To be able to continue along this line in future Mardenkro gets involved in the knowledge centre hotspots.
It started with a single product: ReduSol. Now there are six different coatings, each with its own specific properties. Products such as ReduHeat and ReduFuse work well even without making any adjustments to the cultivation strategy but more yield can be gained if adjustments do take place. Therefore Mardenkro places a lot of emphasis on practical trials and sharing the knowledge. “We set up trials with growers and measure the results ourselves and we are involved with research at scientific institutes. We share the results with crop specialists and consultants,” says Jeroen van Leeuwen, responsible for knowledge development and communication of this knowledge.

Jeroen van Leeuwen
He keeps crop specialists informed about the latest developments and thinks up new ways to share the knowledge. This led, for example, to ReduWizard, an app on the ReduSystems website which based on the crop, region and greenhouse characteristics gives quick advice about the optimal use of coatings. The e-mail newsletter publicises current developments, user experiences and the latest insights on influencing light in the greenhouse. In the future more focused methods of bringing information will be developed, for example via internet.
Close contact with research
He also keeps close contact with the research community. That leads to new ideas for coatings and it ensures that ReduSystems’ coatings are involved in scientific research. “Current questions include: How can coatings support Next Generation Growing? Is it possible to prevent stretching in flowering potted plants by using coatings? We have our antennas in the research community so we can immediately pick up the latest developments,” he says. “In the future we will be able to deliver more crop specific products, perhaps tailor-made. We have already begun this with our line Specialties. For example, Reduflex Blue was specifically developed to influence the stem length of roses. We see even more possibilities in this area. Finally we are thinking about crop specific recipes. However, such an introduction in practise will always take place with a crop consultant. After all, custom advice leads to the best results.”