Steady growth and better quality through diffused light and heat protection

Cucumber grower Green-Y-Land started using ReduFuse IR for the first time in 2020. “The crop experienced less stress, showed vital growth and the initial fruits were somewhat heavier,” says Remi van Geest. 

Green-Y-Land in Tinte in the Province of Zuid-Holland is located just less than eight kilometres from the coast. You’d expect a moderate climate here. “Yet, here too the weather is becoming increasingly more extreme with a greater chance of burnt heads and Pythium,” says Van Geest.  

His farm includes five hectares of traditional cucumber cultivation at two locations. Last year we applied chalk to prevent damage. In 2020, at the recommendation of ReduSystems’ account manager they tried ReduFuse IR at one location. This coating diffuses the light inside the crop and keeps out the heat. “Our experience was very good and we have already decided to coat the other greenhouse in 2021 as well,” he says. 

The crop grew better and went into production somewhat earlier. Furthermore, the initial fruits were of better size. “It is also more comfortable for yourself. Working under such a coating is definitely more enjoyable.” 

Green-Y-Land ,Remi van Geest
“When there is a bright sun, we close the screen, but then it quickly becomes hot and stuffy and you then still have to keep the screen slightly open. A coating provides more comfort to the plant.”

Remi van Geest


This greenhouse does not have a moveable screen. Van Geest was able to keep the vents  in the coated greenhouse closed somewhat longer, thus keeping more CO2 inside, which in principle benefits production. In addition, the humidity was approx. 10% higher.  

“We have a moveable screen in the other greenhouse. We did not apply a coating there last year. When there is a bright sun, we close the screen, but then it quickly becomes hot and stuffy and you then still have to keep the screen slightly open. A coating provides more comfort to the plant. For that reason we will also be using ReduFuse IR here next year,” says the grower. 

Transparent during wet weather 

The coating was applied to the greenhouse cover in mid-April and was removed again fairly late – early September – because the weather stayed warm much longer. “ReduFuse IR does not reduce a lot of light, which means you can afford to be less precise. Furthermore, the coating becomes more transparent when it becomes wet. It is much less visible on a rainy day.” 

Van Geest is observing that his colleagues are also becoming more interested in coating. The reason is the successive hot summers with high levels of radiation. “Of course there is a cost to it , but the growers who have done it are all satisfied,” he concludes. 

Streamer “When there is a bright sun, we close the screen, but then it quickly becomes hot and stuffy and you then still have to keep the screen slightly open. A coating provides more comfort to the plant.”

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